If you are using the Chrome web browser, it is unfortunately not possible for multiple mail windows to open simultaneously when sending manually via your own mail program. This is due to browser restrictions that do not allow this.
However, if you would like to send an invitation to several candidates, please note the following steps.
After you click on the "Open e-mail templates" button, the window of your e-mail client should open with an e-mail template. You send this template normally.
You will then be taken to the following overview:
In the next step, you must click on the "Resend" button for all other candidates to whom you have not yet sent the invitation.
The following dialog opens, in which the invitation text is listed again. Here you use the button "Open in mail client" and the new template opens in your mail client.
Proceed in this way until you have manually sent the invitation to all candidates via your own mail client.
If you have any further questions, please contact us directly via the chat or send us an e-mail to [email protected]