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Adding and Editing Templates

Create text templates to guarantee personal and standardized candidate communication.

Sebastian avatar
Written by Sebastian
Updated over a week ago

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In the Templates area, you manage all text templates for applicant communication. Here you can define your own standards or fall back on our best practices, each of which is marked with the addition Default. 

For each template type, you will find suggestions, which differ in the way they are addressed - you or you. These predefined templates cannot be changed. To create your own templates, simply click on Add Template.

Create your own templates

The creation of your own text templates is also very simple and can be done in just a few steps:

  • Template name: Give your new template a unique name so that you can assign it perfectly later. 

  • Email Subject: Create a motivating email subject that will definitely stand out in the candidates' mailbox. 

  • Text to your candidates: Write the actual invitation text and fall back on various text modules. Depending on the salutation, first name and surname of the candidates, the invitation text will then be individualised automatically. A text module that must be used in any case is the link to the landing page, so that the candidates really know how easy the video application is.

All available template types

In your Web portal, you can access templates at various points to guarantee personal and standardized candidate communication. All types of templates are described below: 

  • Invitation to video application: Text templates to invite applicants to video application after receipt of the classic application in step 2.

  • Reminder e-mail for video application: Text template to remind applicants to complete the video application after they have been invited.

  • Invitation to the next round: Text template that you send to applicants to invite them to the next application step.

  • Application Status - Accept Candidate: A text template that you send to applicants to approve them.

  • Application Status - Cancel Candidate: Template text that you send to applicants to reject them.

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