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Introduction to Communication Style Analysis with PRECIRE

Introduction to Communication Style Analysis with PRECIRE

Sebastian avatar
Written by Sebastian
Updated over a week ago


The company PRECIRE Technologies GmbH was founded at the end of 2012 in Aachen. PRECIRE decodes text and language and offers fascinating insights into the interplay of personality, communication and behaviour. The KI is based on psychological expert knowledge in combination with Natural Language Processing (NLP), Psychological Language Processing (PLP) and Machine Learning. It draws an objective picture of text/language impact, clients, candidates and other interlocutors. PRECIRE opens up new ways to support and automate intelligent, individualized and efficient human-human and human-machine interactions.

The fields of application of the technology range from personnel development, recruiting and customer support to the optimization of internal and external corporate communications.

Its customers include well-known insurance companies, personnel service providers and telecommunications and consulting companies. 

PRECIRE and Talentcube

In partnership with PRECIRE, we offer you the possibility to obtain a fully automated language analysis of your candidates based on artificial intelligence (AI).

Once the video application has been completed, the spoken word and its context are analysed using PRECIRE technology. Thus you receive an individual profile analysis of your candidates. 

In addition to your own personal impression when viewing the video application, you will also receive a scientifically sound evaluation of your candidates. PRECIRE "translates" the linguistic communication into objective psychological results and highlights, for example, how "supportive", "authoritarian" or "motivating" an applicant is.

The Technology

PRECIRE's AI was developed using classic models such as BigFive and a variety of common test methods. In a basic study, a model was developed in recent years that records 29 psychological results. The latest psychological expert knowledge and ongoing studies and rating procedures, the results of which flow constantly into the further development of the AI, are particularly important for the technology today. In the last 12 months alone, PRECIRE has collected more than 26 million ratings on the impact of communication and has taught the technology experience in predicting psychological outcomes.

The result of the analysis is reflected in 22 different sub-constructs that fully describe a person's communication. These include, for example, results such as Friendly, Aggressive, Self-confident or Authoritarian, the characteristics of which in communication allow conclusions to be drawn about the personality of the person. 

The PRECIRE results at a glance 


Persons who communicate aggressively are quick tempered and unyielding. They exert pressure on others and provoke the interlocutor or the person being addressed. This gives them a high level of argumentation. 


Balanced communication conveys the regulation of one's own emotions to the outside world. Who communicates balanced, does not seem nervous or excited, but is also in stressful situations in a position to accurately choose their own words.  


Authoritarian communicators determine the direction of communication. They lead the conversation by setting the tone and taking control of the conversation.    


Impressive communication captivates listeners and leaves a lasting impression. Thus, listeners remember both the contents of what has been said and the person speaking. 


Dramatic communication vividly and vividly reproduces content, decorating events and presenting them more excitingly than they really were.


Empathic communication conveys a high sensitivity for the feelings of other people. It is communicated carefully and with consideration for the feelings of others. To conversation partners it is mediated in such a way that one puts oneself in their position, since immediately on their statements one responds and reacts sensitively to their feelings. 


A friendly communication expresses great closeness to other people and thus unfolds a sympathetic and warm-hearted effect. To others, this communication signals clear goodwill and a willingness to compromise.


In formal communication, facts are presented as objectively as possible. A lot is described with numbers, data and facts, which creates a rational, fact-oriented and sober effect. 


In impulsive communication, people speak impatiently, stormyly or unsteadily. It is often more likely to follow a sudden impulse or intuition than to think carefully about and weigh the consequences of one's own statements. This quickly leads to heated discussions. 


The intellectual communication creates a thoughtful and thoughtful effect. The way of expression is precise and rather complex. Contents are described in detail and precisely. All in all, a high standard of performance is conveyed.


 Motivational communication is about motivating people in a way that increases intrinsic motivation. The goal is to convince the audience to want something instead of setting a rigid goal. Enthusiasm for the presented matter is conveyed. 


The optimistic communication conveys confidence. The result is a positive view of the future, so that positive conclusions can be drawn from negative experiences and fundamentally anything is possible. Through a confident attitude, risks are assessed more positively and taken earlier. In an uncertain environment, optimistic communication makes it easier to deal with imponderables and challenges.  


People who communicate philosophically talk about the theoretical background of their statements. Philosophical and significant topics are discussed in depth and questioned. 


People with positive communication are characterised by a positive, cheerful and life-affirming charisma. In interactions with them, the pleasant, relaxed and unbiased atmosphere they leave behind is particularly noticeable.


People who communicate self-confidently convey social self-confidence and tend to place themselves at the centre of communication. They rarely hold back, do not seem reserved and are difficult to discourage.  


Structured communication in narratives always follows a logical structure. Individual statements in a narrative build on one another and follow a red thread. This creates an organized effect. 


Unconventional communication often opens up unusual, imaginative ideas. Innovative or unusual perspectives are introduced into discussions, so that generally surprising statements are made.  


Supporting communication means encouraging the concerns of others and thus helping them to develop further. The own well-being is not in the foreground. Who communicates supporting, speaks courage to others and obtains a large helpfulness. Understanding for others is shown.  


In the case of independent communication, statements are made free of common opinions and other persons. The acceptance of the statements is not assured by others and is influenced neither by the prevailing opinion nor by the alleged judgements of others. 


People with a very visionary communication often deal with a glorious future and make promising statements. It is often about how more can be achieved and what potential improvements look like. Visions are communicated that indicate positive expectations and a promising future. 


In goal-oriented communication, clear and unambiguous statements are made. The way of expression is as efficient and concise as possible, with the aim of finding a quick solution.    


People who choose the reliable communication style convey a sense of commitment. It is clearly expressed for what responsibility is taken or responsibilities are clearly assigned.   

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