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Create & maintain a professional resume

All the information you need to get the most out of your resume.

Sebastian avatar
Written by Sebastian
Updated over a week ago

Create your professional resume in just a few minutes and have it ready to hand in your pocket. You can continuously optimize it and use it for any of your future applications.

Contact details & profile photo

Enter your current contact details, date of birth and current address so that the company can reach you ideally. Points also include a friendly profile photo, which can also be uploaded directly to the Talentcube app and cut to size.

Professional experience

List your current and previous employers and describe their activities in a few sentences. This will give your future employer a perfect picture of your experiences and previous projects.

School / Study 

Mention your relevant stations from school & studies. Focus here on the points that are really relevant for your profession. 


What are the 5-6 areas that you are particularly good at and that fit the job perfectly? These are exactly the skills you should be looking for.


Add which languages you speak and choose between Basic, Advanced, Negotiable and Mother tongue levels. 


You have received important awards in the past, then now is the right time to include them here.


You have completed special training courses or received certificates, then list them under "Qualifications".


Indicate what you do in your spare time so that your future team can learn more about you. 

Tip: Simply import your data from XING

If you've already partially uploaded your resume to XING, you can easily import it. Then add more information and documents to it so you can make the best possible impression on companies.

Tip: Upload your completed resume as a PDF file

Have you already created your resume on your computer? Then you can simply upload the finished PDF file and the company has direct access to it after the application.

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