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Send Application to Company

Find out how easy it is to send your application homepage to companies of your choice and convince them with your personality.

Sebastian avatar
Written by Sebastian
Updated over a week ago

Have you created your application homepage and received it by e-mail? Then don't wait long and use it directly for your next application. You have 3x higher chances for your dream job!

It's as simple as that

Here are three simple ways you can apply to companies with your application homepage. 

Write the company of your choice by e-mail and add the link to your application homepage. So you can directly convince the company with your authentic videos and professional resume. 

You can also imprint your personal stamp on your existing resume. Just add the link to your written resume and give the company the chance to get to know you better via video.

Some companies only offer ready-made online forms. You can stand out from the crowd by inserting the link to your application homepage as a link in the free text fields of the forms.

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